Monday, May 18, 2020

Is Organic Food The Better Choice - 1978 Words

Is Organic Food the Better Choice? Many people are suddenly having an increase in interest in living healthy lifestyles and eating high quality food. This has caused organic food sales to increase and stores like Wal-Mart and Winn Dixie to start selling organic foods. Additionally, there has been an increase in stores opening like Whole Foods, who devote their entire store to selling not only organic foods, but other organic options such as: vitamins, soaps, and clothing. The growth of sales for organic food has increased because organic food is produced under certain farming conditions that follow the guidelines set by the EC Regulation. This means produce are grown without using pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or anything that could potentially be harmful to the consumer’s body, which makes people think the food has higher quality. The term organic can be misleading because not all organic food sold on the market is certified organic ; meaning consumers think they are buying organic food, but possibly are paying more and getting a product that is not approved to be organic. Many people believe that eating organic food is better for your overall health and by eating organic you will receive more vitamins and nutrients. When I asking a lady in her mid thirty’s at Whole Foods why she shops organically, her response was â€Å"I read in a magazine that organic food will help me lose weight so I figured I would give it a try.† Unfortunately,Show MoreRelatedGenetically Modified Organisms And Organic Organisms Essay1578 Words   |  7 Pagesbrief, the reader will see how organic and genetically modified organisms are viewed and interpreted. They will see the â€Å"facts† about the genetically modified organisms and organic organism, and how producers and consumers view this. 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