Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Research Paper on Jimi Hendrix Term Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Research on Jimi Hendrix - Term Paper Example Discography is about examining the information associated with recording sounds performed by an artist within a specified musical genre. In line with this, Shuker revealed that discography requires the gathering of music information such as the name of the artist(s) involved in the entire music recording process, the time and place where the music recording process took place, the title of the musical piece being performed by the musicians, the exact date when the music was publicly released, and the success rate of the musical piece which can be noted down through the actual sales figures and its actual chart position in the market (Shuker 80). Among the five famous musical recordings of Jimi Hendrix includes: The Cry of Love (1971), the Rainbow Bridge (1971), Crash Landing (1975), Radio One (1988), and Hendrix in the West (1972). Specifically the Cry of Love, the Rainbow Bridge, Crash Landing, and Radio One were studio albums whereas Hendrix in the West was one of the most successful live albums of Hendrix (Gelfand 92 - 101). Back in April 1970, the Cry of Love 31-city tour was launched at LA Forum housing a total of 20,000 audiences (Gelfand 92). Basically, the city tour highlighted the presence of the new Experience line-up together with the Mile’s band and the Buddy Miles Express as part of its opening act (ibid). Right after the city tour, Hendrix intentionally killed himself with drug overdose (Gelfand 100). Half a year after his death, Hendrix’s last 10-song studio album which was entitled â€Å"The Cry of Love† was released in the world market (Faralaco 110). In UK and U.S., this album was released between March 5 and 6 of 1971 which eventually became the top 2 and 3 in England and the U.S. charts respectively (Faralaco 91; Gelfand 101). The Cry of Love was released in LP format. Lasting for 39 weeks, the sales of this album reached gold and platinum award in UK and US respectively (RIAA a). Even though Hendrix died at the age

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Critically examine whether legal institutions matter for financial Essay

Critically examine whether legal institutions matter for financial development with further implications for economic growth - Essay Example The greater the levels of financial development in the country, the wider are the provisions of financial services that allow risk diversifications, and this in turn boosts the economic growth curve of a nation. Joseph Schumpeter first proposed the link between economic growth and financial development in the early 20th century, where he claimed that the financial intermediaries advocated technological modifications by providing economic resources for the invention of new products (Schumpeter, 1912). Levine and Zervos (1998) in their papers show that development within the stock market and banking sectors of a nation are reasonably reliable indicators of the economic growth. For industrial expansions at the microeconomic level, Rajan and Zingales (1998) and Demirguc-Kunt and Maksimovic (1998) feel that financial institutions are an essential component. Despite contentions, a majority of the research papers suggest that there is indeed a strong connection between the financial develop ment and economic growth. ... al intermediation and markets, as well as deep and broad access to capital and financial services† (The Financial Development Report 2010, 2010, 4). Here institutions chiefly refer to laws that control and monitor the financial sector, contractual enforcement and the quality of corporate governance. The word â€Å"institution† as defined by Douglas North (1991) states that these are man-devised constraints that shape a nation’s socio-economic and political interaction. These constraints maybe informal like social taboos, sanctions, trust, social traditions and customs, social capital, and social codes of conduct; or they may also be formal like legal system, constitutions, property rights, etc. Institutions have been devised in to create an order in the society, and decrease the chances of uncertainty in various transactions and exchanges. As per economic theories, a strong and stable institutional environment is essential for decreasing the transaction and inform ation charges (Levine, 2004).There are also a significant number of research papers that establish the close relation between financial development and a country’s institutional characteristics, especially its legal framework (Arestis, Demetriades, and Luintel, 2001). Thus, from a study of papers one can conclude that legal institutions from an essential part of the financial development of a nation, since it works towards protecting the investor interests (Barth, J., Caprio, G., and Levine, R., 1999). The law and finance theory centres on the part played by the legal institutions in analysing global differences perceived in financial development (La Porta, Lopez-de-Silanes, Shleifer, and Vishny, 2000). The law and finance theory suggests that in countries that have strong legal institutions and effective