Thursday, September 3, 2020

Cultural Conduct in Other Countries Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Social Conduct in Other Countries - Essay Example The inquiry that ascents here is how significant job does a language play in cross outskirt organizations? To maintain your business effectively in another nation it requires an appropriate comprehension of the way of life of that nation. What's more, to comprehend the way of life of that nation, it is required to know and gain proficiency with the language of that nation. Each culture has various boundaries and rules of thought. Also, the most ideal approach to comprehend the idea behind these boundaries and rules is the language (Malt et. al, 1999). Language not just gives information about culture, it additionally gives information about financial and political circumstances. Information on different dialects has become basic since now million of individuals share their thoughts, regular interests and speak with one another over the world through web and going cross fringe for organizations and study. Every one of these things are conceivable because of the innovative headways. He re we take the case of America; the exchange is becoming quickly here. Some businessmen are learning Spanish and Portuguese for there organizations. What's more, presently adays individuals are getting information on different dialects for monetary mixes. Numerous Canadians have capacity to communicate in English and French. What's more, they have received these dialects for the improvement of their employments and organizations. So the information on different dialects gives us a novel idea and this idea causes us to settle on ideas and choices accurately. Social Etiquette: Etiquette is a code of conduct or social conduct inside the general public, social class or gathering. Rules of behavior by and large dependent on social cooperation inside the general public. It might be impression of moral codes, design and status of society, gathering or class. At the point when somebody is interfacing with enormous social gathering or assortment of individuals which have same intrigue, so th ere are some broad guidelines to associate with them and these standards are socially worthy. Business decorum is like the social behavior, yet they are especially for coworker’s cooperation and differ from business to business (Johnson, 1997). At the point when an agent extends his business in different nations, he needs to comprehend the language, societies, restrictions and decorums on the grounds that various countries have various societies and manners. For instance, in China if an individual takes food thing from a typical bowl or plate without asking others that mean you are offending the host. On the opposite side in America a visitor needs to eat all food in his plate as a commendation to the nature of food. In Korea and Japan, it is an old convention for host and visitor to fill their liquor cups and urge each other to take it, yet in the event that anybody doesn’t need to take liquor under any conditions, at that point it can get hard for him to escape from it. So for an imminent specialist it is exceptionally fundamental to comprehend the manners of other nation. Since manners give assistance to communicate society. Fundamentally decorums rely on the way of life. It might fluctuate from culture to culture. In the event that representatives know about different country’s culture, language and manners then they can without much of a stretch make a decent impression. Social Values: Cultural qualities are the moral or virtues; values that reflect someone’s feeling of good and insidious or good and bad. Social qualities are the impression of mentalities and conduct of society or gathering. Standards are the conduct of individuals in a particular circumstance, and qualities are the judgment of this circumstance as great and

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

A Rose for Emily Short Review Essay Example

A Rose for Emily: Short Review Essay In William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, Emily Grierson had an exceptionally severe relationship with her dad. Despite the fact that there is just a concise depiction of him, he assumes a huge job in the advancement of her character. The idea of Emily’s relationship with Homer Barron was extremely outrageous on the grounds that he is a Northerner and it doesn’t show up as though they will ever be hitched. After the demise of her dad, she got subject to him. Emily got engaged by her activities in the story, inciting her to execute Homer. Faulkner depicts this in the story by†¦. ? Miss Emily was raised to be dependent on the main male figure in her life, her dad. Emilys relationship with her dad can be seen in what the storyteller depicts as â€Å"the scene they had developed of her: Miss Emily a thin figure in white out of sight, her dad a spraddled outline in the closer view, his back to her and grasping a horsewhip, both of them surrounded by the back-flung door† (A Rose for Emily, 2). The scene represents his savagery and strength, and her honest womanliness. He was controlling, declining to let her carry on with her very own existence. Just as a spouse since had driven â€Å"all the youthful men† away (A Rose for Emily, 3). We will compose a custom paper test on A Rose for Emily: Short Review explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom exposition test on A Rose for Emily: Short Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on A Rose for Emily: Short Review explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer At that point it’s noticeable to the peruser that her dad is narrow minded. When he died, she had nobody to be subject to any longer, yet she couldn’t be free since a solid male figure was no longer in her life. he needs to grapple with having no cash and a huge detached home. Homer Barron was a foreman who was visiting the area assisting with the clearing of walkways. Emily got charmed by him and would have most likely hitched him. Lamentably, for her he was not the wedding type. The town turned out to be mindful of Miss Emily’s relationship with him, yet humiliates her by playing with her feelings and declining to wed her.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Project proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Venture - Research Proposal Example These operators are known to have a wide assortment of uses, which can encourage different non-viral frameworks for the presentation of DNA into the host body and empower simple and successful hereditary treatment for the fix of feared ailments, for example, malignant growth. This investigation, endeavors to recognize and delineate third era polylysine dendrons as a potential hotspot for the improvement of a non-viral stage for quality conveyance. The investigation will portray the attributes of different dendrons to show their potential as a non-viral wellspring of quality conveyance. What's more, it will likewise show the particular attributes of third era polylysine for potential use in quality conveyance and quality treatment. To build up this, the examination will contain lab testing of mice to show that quality conveyance should be proficiently be possible utilizing third era polylysine dendrons. The objective of the exploration is to increase the value of the current assortment of information in such manner and to make it an increasingly powerful framework for quality conveyance just as quality treatment. While the utilization of viral-vectors is an effective strategy to bring qualities into have cells, they involve a few cell just as extra cell hindrances. In spite of the fact that viral-vectors have both effectiveness and high quality articulation they distress from the significant impediment of defenselessness to immunogenic responses. Accordingly, the clinical fraternity’s intrigue rather inclinations to the elective strategy for conveying non-viral techniques for the conveyance of qualities into the host body as it involves lesser multifaceted nature. In this manner, the utilization of dendrons or dendrimers has been picking up notoriety in the field of hereditary medication, particularly in its application for quality conveyance and quality treatment. This is particularly so in light of the fact that they give a multifunctional stage by prudence of being artificially equipped for appending tumor-focusing on antibodies. Numerous examinations affirm the legitimacy of third era polylysine as a successful monomer that can possibly convey

The problem of the huge gap between the rich and poor in China and the Essay

The issue of the enormous hole between the rich and poor in China and the arrangements - Essay Example As opposed to them the least fortunate 10 percent of China’s population’s pay expanded by close to 12-overlap. This supported pattern going over a time of practically 2.5 decades has removed the rich and the poor so much that they nearly end up at inverse shafts today. The Gini coefficient proposes that the yawning hole between the two populaces in China has become so wide that it is presently upsetting the restrictions of social solidness. The hukou framework in China The developing disparity between the rich and the poor in China is necessarily connected with the hukou arrangement of the grants of residency as indicated by which the interior movement of the poor is controlled to the towns. Monetary hole between the rich and the poor in China has expanded with the developing shortage of the provincial work. The hukou framework has constrained the poor to the entrance of open administrations just where they are enlisted which are generally the very places where they are conceived. â€Å"[M]aking individuals’ hukou status notable and open altogether decreases the exhibition of rustic vagrant understudies on a boosted subjective undertaking by 10 percent, which prompts a critical leftward move of their income distribution† (Afridi, Li, and Ren). The principles applying cutoff points to movement in China that limit the poor in the wide open are glaringly uncalled for. The idea of Guanxi The development of business when all is said in done and the little and medium measured undertakings (SME) in China has as of late caught the eye of the entire world. One factor that has assumed a prime job in the development of business and the significant fortifying of economy in China is the idea of Guanxi, that urges individuals to manufacture social associations and systems and look for profits by them. â€Å"The idea of Guanxi or a system of associations is a notable and focal part of life in China, both in business and public activity. It's the s ame as the 'old young men organize' in the UK† (Walker). This framework has not just expanded the financial partition between the rich and the poor in China, yet has additionally helped the development of debasement and bad form in the frameworks. Chinese government officials today perceive and value the Old Etonian bonds among the City Hall and the Downing Street. China’s up and coming pioneers are connected through families. Financial expert Mao Yushi has portrayed the issue in these words, â€Å"The riches in China isn't just allotted by the market, yet in addition by influence. The individuals with influence have cash. The marriage among influence and cash permits individuals to bring in cash by utilizing unlawful strategies. It increments further the salary hole between the rich and the poor past the market itself† (Yushi refered to in Taylor). The framework is out of line and the poor don't have any potential for success even over the long haul. Arrangement s Decreasing uniqueness of salary between the rich and the poor Since it is one of the most significant contributing components in the extending financial hole between individuals of

Friday, August 21, 2020

Rising of the Earths crust is responsible for Producing Earthquakes :: Geology Earthquake

Ascending of the earth’s outside is answerable for creating seismic tremors, Submission of report for distributing. Seismic tremor is caused because of the development of the land is a fantasy. The most significant thing that is absent in this view is that there is no clarification for why seismic tremor happens in the focal point of the land rather than the fringe zone. All things considered the land is ascending in better places. This is the motivation behind why seismic tremors happen just in the focal pieces of the land. To be explicit, after a seismic tremor happened on September 30th of 1993, in the town named Killari, it was discovered that the land had ascended around three feet in tallness. This shows the ascent of the land is the reason for the seismic tremor. Seismic tremor is the impact of the ascent of the land On September 30th 1993, the seismic tremor that hit the town, killari, arranged in focal piece of India brought about the demise of in excess of 8,000 individuals and raised the land surface around three feet high. This height was found in a zone of around two kilometers. For what reason did the quake happen? The tremor happened uniquely in killari, arranged in focal India and left two kilometers of land territory raised. This demonstrates the seismic tremor happened uniquely because of the ascent of the land. Aside from this, the photos taken by the satellite before the shudder indicated that the temperature of killari had likewise risen and the photos taken after the tremor demonstrated it to be typical. After the seismic tremor happened, on the outskirts of Andhra and Karnataka white shaded smoke radiated starting from the earliest stage. For what reason did the land rise? For what reason was the temperature more? For what reason did the land radiate white shaded smoke? We realize that the liquid stone material called magma is found inside the earth as we have seen it coming out through volcanoes.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Fresh Ink October 15, 2013

Fresh Ink October 15, 2013 HARDCOVER RELEASES   Actors Anonymous by James Franco (New Harvest) The actors in James Francos brilliant debut novel include a McDonalds drive-thru operator who spends his shift trying on accents; an ex-child star recalling a massive beachside bacchanal; hospital volunteers and Midwestern transplants; a vampire flick starlet who discovers a cryptic book written by a famous actor gone AWOL; and the ghost of River Phoenix. Then theres Franco himself, who prowls backstage, peering out between the lines-before taking the stage with fascinating meditations on his art, along with nightmarish tales of excess. Hollywood has always been a private club, he writes. I open the gates. I say welcome. I say,Look inside. Told in a dizzying array of styles-from lyric essays and disarming testimonials to hilariously rambling text messages and ghostly footnotes-and loosely modeled on Alcoholics Anonymouss Twelve  Steps and Twelve Traditions, Actors Anonymous  is an intense, wild ride into the dark heart of celebrity. Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy by Helen Fielding (Knopf) In Helen Fieldings wildly funny, hotly anticipated new novel, Bridget faces a few rather pressing questions: Is it better to die of Botox or die of loneliness because youre so wrinkly? Is it wrong to lie about your age when online dating? Does the Dalai Lama actually tweet or is it his assistant? Is it normal to get fewer followers the more you tweet? Is technology now the fifth element? Or is that wood? Is sleeping with someone after two dates and six weeks of texting the same as getting married after two meetings and six months of letter writing in Jane Austens day? Pondering these and other modern dilemmas, Bridget Jones stumbles through the challenges of loss, single motherhood, tweeting, texting, technology, and rediscovering her sexuality in-Warning! Bad, outdated phrase approaching!-middle age. Crooked Numbers by Tim OMara (Minotaur Books)   Raymond Donne’s former student Douglas Lee had everything going for him thanks to a scholarship to an exclusive private school in Manhattan, but all of that falls apart when his body is found below the Williamsburg Bridge with a dozen knife wounds in it.  That kind of violence would normally get some serious attention from the police and  media except when its accompanied by signs that it  could  be  gang related. When that’s the case, the story  dies and the police are happy to settle for the  straightforward explanation. Dougies mom isn’t having any of that and asks Ray, who had been a cop before an accident cut his career short, to look into it, unofficially. He does what he can, asking questions,  doling out information to the press,  and filling in some holes in the investigation, but he doesn’t get far before one of Dougie’s private school friends is killed and another is put in the hospital.  What kind of trouble could a couple of sheltered  kids get into that would end like that? And what does it have to do with Dougies death? None of it adds up, but theres no way  Ray can just wait around for something to happen. Fiendish Schemes by K. W. Jeter (Tor Books)   In 1986 K. W. Jeter coined the term steampunk, applying it to his first Victorian-era science fiction alternate-history adventure. At last he has returned, with a tale of George Dower, son of the inventor ofInfernal Devices, who has been in new self-imposed exile…accumulating debts. The world Dower left when he went into hiding was significantly simpler than the new, steam-powered Victorian London, a mad whirl of civilization filled with gadgets and gears in the least expected places. After accepting congratulations for his late fathers grandest inventionâ€"a walking, steam-powered lighthouseâ€"Dower is enticed by the prospect of financial gain into a web of intrigue with ominously mysterious players who have nefarious plans of which he can only guess.  If he can locate and make his father’s  Vox Universalis  work as it was intended, his future, he is promised,  is assured. But his efforts are confounded by the strange Vicar Stonebrake, who promises him aid, but  is more interested in converting sentient whales to Christianityâ€"and making moneyâ€"than in helping George. Drugged, arrested, and interrogated by men, women, and  the steam-powered Prime Minister, Dower is trapped in a maelstrom of secrets, corruption, and schemes that threaten to drown him in the chaos of this mad new world. How to be a Good Wife by Emma Chapman (St. Martins Press)   Marta and Hector have been married for a long time. Through the good and bad; through raising a son and sending him off to life after university. So long, in fact, that Marta finds it difficult to remember her life before Hector. He has always taken care of her, and she has always done everything she can to be a good wifeâ€"as advised by a dog-eared manual given to her by Hector’s aloof mother on their wedding day. But now, something is changing. Small things seem off. A flash of movement in the corner of her eye, elapsed moments that she can’t recall. Visions of a blonde girl in the darkness that only Marta can see. Perhaps she is starting to rememberâ€"or perhaps her mind is playing tricks on her. As Marta’s visions persist and her reality grows more disjointed, it’s unclear if the danger lies in the world around her, or in Marta herself. The girl is growing more real every day, and she wants something. Seven Deadlies: A Cautionary Tale by Gigi Levangie (Blue Rider Press)   Perry Gonzalez is not like the other kids in her Beverly Hills high schoolâ€"a full-blooded Latina on a scholarship, living in a tiny apartment with her mother, she doesn’t have much in common with the spoiled, privileged kids who are chauffeured to school every morning. But Perry is a budding young writer with her sights set on Benningtonâ€"and her seven deadly stories are her ticket to the Ivory Tower. To pay her way, Perry’s been babysitting (correction: teenage-sitting) and tutoring the neighborhood kids, and she has seen the dark side of adolescence: lust for the “Judas Brothers” that leads to electrocution at a private birthday party concert; wrath that inspires new and perverse family bonds; and greed, in a young Bernie Madoff acolyte who conceives of a copycat Ponzi scheme involving his own grandmother. Perry’s sinfully addictive, poignant, and smart voice will enchant and horrify readers of all ages, and author Gigi Levangie Grazer has never been funnierâ€"her wick edly sharp and observant prose brings each of these delightful and deranged characters terrifyingly, hilariously to life. The Lion Seeker by Kenneth Bonert (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)   Are you a stupid or a clever? Such is the refrain in Isaac Helgers mind as he makes his way from redheaded hooligan to searching adolescent to striving young man on the make. His mothers question haunts every choice.  Are you a stupid or a clever?  Will you find a way to lift your family out of Johannesburgs poor inner city, to buy a house in the suburbs, to bring your aunts and cousins from Lithuania?  Isaacs mother is a strong woman and a scarred woman; her maimed face taunts him with a past no one will discuss. As World War II approaches, then falls upon them, they hurtle toward a catastrophic reckoning. Isaac must make decisions that, at first, only seem to be life-or-death, then actually are.  Meanwhile, South Africas history, bound up with Europes but inflected with its own accents-Afrikaans, Zulu, Yiddish, English-begins to unravel. Isaacs vibrant, working-class, Jewish neighborhood lies near the African slums; under cover of night, the slums are razed, the residents forced off to townships. Isaacs fortun e-seeking takes him to the privileged seclusion of the Johannesburg suburbs, where he will court forbidden love. Writing on the Wall: Social Media The First 2,000 Years by Tom Standage (Bloomsbury USA)   From the papyrus letters that Cicero and other Roman statesmen used to exchange news across the Empire to the rise of hand-printed tracts of the Reformation to the pamphlets that spread propaganda during the American and French revolutions, Standage chronicles the increasingly sophisticated ways people shared information with each other, spontaneously and organically, down the centuries. With the rise of newspapers in the nineteenth century, the nature of communication changed; increasingly, especially as radio and television, the “mass media,” came to dominate in the twentieth century, information was centrally controlled. However, with the advent of the Internet, the story has come full circle, and the spreading of information along social networks has reemerged in powerful new ways.  Invoking the likes of Thomas Paine, the celebrated Madame Doublet in the French Revolution, and Vinton Cerf, co-inventor of the Internet, Standage explores themes that have long been debated: the tension between freedom of expression and censorship; whether social media trivializes, coarsens or enhances public discourse; and its role in spurring innovation, enabling self-promotion, and fomenting revolution. PAPERBACK RELEASES Man in the Empty Suit by Sean Ferrell (Soho Press) Say youre a time traveler and youve already toured the entirety of human history. After a while, the outside world might lose a little of its luster. Thats why this time traveler celebrates his birthday partying with himself. Every year, he travels to an abandoned hotel in New York City in 2071, the hundredth anniversary of his birth, and drinks twelve-year-old Scotch (lots of it) with all the other versions of who he has been and who he will be. Sure, the party is the same year after year, but at least its one party where he can really, well, be himself. The year he turns 39, though, the party takes a stressful turn for the worse. Before he even makes it into the grand ballroom for a drink he encounters the body of his forty-year-old self, dead of a gunshot wound to the head. As the older versions of himself at the party point out, the onus is on him to figure out what went wrong-he has one year to stop himself from being murdered, or theyre all goners. As he follows clues that he may or may not have willingly left for himself, he discovers rampant paranoia and suspicion among his younger selves, and a frightening conspiracy among the Elders. Most complicated of all is a haunting woman possibly named Lily who turns up at the party this year, the first person besides himself hes ever seen at the party. For the first time, he has something to lose. Heres hoping he can save some version of his own life. 37 Things I Love (in no particular order) by Kekla Magoon (Square Fish)   Ellis only has four days of her sophomore year left, and  summer is so close that she can almost taste it. But even with  vacation just within reach, Ellis isn’t exactly relaxed. Her father has been in a coma for years, the result of a construction accident, and her already-fragile relationship with her mother is strained over whether or not to remove him from life support. Her best friend fails even to notice that anything is wrong and Ellis feels like her world is falling apart.  But when all seems bleak, Ellis finds comfort in the most unexpected places. Life goes on, but in those four fleeting days friends are lost and found, promises are made, and Ellis realizes that nothing will ever quite be the same. NOS4A2 by Joe Hill (William Morrow)   Whats good stays good, no matter how much of a beating it takes. . . . Victoria McQueen has a secret gift for finding things: a misplaced bracelet, a missing photograph, answers to unanswerable questions. On her dayglo blue Raleigh Tuff Burner bike, she makes her way to a rickety covered bridge that, within moments, takes her wherever she needs to go, whether its across Massachusetts or across the country.  Vic doesnt tell anyone about her unusual ability because she knows that no one would believe her. She has trouble understanding it herself. And she knows it isnt free. Each time she makes a trip across that bridge, a piece of herself is lost.  But Vic isnt the only one with a  special  gift. Charles Talent Manx has a way with children. He likes to take them for rides in his 1938 Rolls-Royce Wraith with the NOS4A2 vanity plate. With his old car, he can slip right out of the everyday world, and onto the hidden roads that transport them to an astonishing playground of amusements he calls Christmasland. Mile by mile, their journey across the highway of Charlies twisted imagination transforms his precious passengers, leaving them as terrifying and unstoppable as their benefactor. Then, one day, Vic goes looking for trouble-and finds Manx.  That was a lifetime ago. Now, the only kid to ever escape his unmitigated evil is all grown up and desperate to forget.  But the end of one nightmare is just the beginning of another . . . because Charlie Manx hasnt stopped thinking about the exceptional Victoria McQueen. Hes on the road again and hes picked up a new passenger: Vics own son.  In a life-and-death battle of wills-her  magic pitted against  his-Vic McQueen is going to get her son back and destroy Manx once and for all. Or shell die trying. . . . A Study in Revenge by Kieran Shields (Broadway Books)   In the summer of 1893, a thief named Cosgrove is shot while delivering a stolen artifact in Portland, Maine. Days after the thiefs burial, the mans body turns up again, badly scorched, in an abandoned house. Police detective Archie Lean is called in to investigate, and he quickly deducees that the scene has been staged to give the appearance that Cosgrove somehow rose from the dead and entered the house on his own, all while on fire. Occult symbols and messages appear near the crime. Mystified, Lean summons his erstwhile partner, Perceval Grey, a brilliant former Pinkerton detective who happens to be half Native American. What comes next is a breathless chase for the thunderstone, a mysterious, centuries-old relic that wields cryptic yet potentially incredible power. From the dark streets of Portland to the provincial drawing rooms of Brahmin Boston,  A Study in Revenge  is a fascinating follow-up by an up-and-coming historical mystery writer. Break My Heart 1,000 Times by Daniel Waters (Disney-Hyperion) Living in the aftermath of the Event means that seeing the dead is now a part of life, but Veronica wishes that the ghosts would just move on. Instead, the ghosts arent disappearing-theyre gaining power. When Veronica and her friend, Kirk, decide to investigate why, they stumble upon a sinister plot. One of Veronicas high school teachers is crippled by the fact that his dead daughter has never returned as a ghost. Veronica seems like the perfect body to host her. And even if hes wrong, whats the harm in creating one more ghost? _____________________ Sign up for our newsletter  to have the best of Book Riot delivered straight to your inbox every week. No spam. We promise. To keep up with Book Riot on a daily basis,  follow us on Twitter,  like us  on Facebook,  and subscribe to the Book Riot podcast in  iTunes  or via  RSS.  So much bookish goodnessâ€"all day, every day.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

Recruiting and Staffing Plan Interviewing Techniques - 1100 Words

Recruiting and Staffing Plan: Interviewing Techniques (Coursework Sample) Content: Recruiting and staffing planName:Institution:IntroductionRecruitment of employees is an essential component of every organization. It is important as it helps in the identification of individuals that are vital to ensuring that the objectives and goals of a firm are achieved. Amazon as on the most successful firm is seeking to recruit a customer service manager. This essay, therefore, seeks to provide insights into the recruitment and assessment process that the company can employ to obtain the right individual for the job.Legal aspects of recruitment that Amazon should be cognizant of while recruiting the customer service managerThe EEOC (Equal Employment Opportunity Commission) has enforced laws that prohibit companies and organizations illegal discrimination of employees or applicants because of an individual's religion, race, sex, and color, age, national origin, and genetic information or disability.Recruitment plans for the positionRecruitment is a process that entails finding, and hiring candidates deemed qualified either from within or out of the organization in a cost-effective and timely manner for a job opening. Caruth Pane (2009) add that the process involves analyzing job's requirements, attracting workers to the job, screening the selected individuals who have rendered their applications, hiring, and incorporating the new employee into the company. Bogardus (2004) explains that in human resources, there are stages of recruitment that most organizations employ when recruiting staff members. The stages encompass analysis of the job, advertisement of the open position, screening of applicants, and finalization of job offers. During the analysis of the job, the representative in the human resource reviews and analyzes what the individual to be recruited need to do in the open position. Bechet (2008) elaborates that it involves building the description of the job, setting the qualifications, and defining the range of the salary. The advertisement, on the other hand, involves searching for the applicants with the aim of finding individuals matching the requirements for the job. The applicants are then screened through the test of personalities and skills, as well as, assessing the motivation and fitness of the applicant to the organizational requirements. The process is accomplished when the applicant has been offered the job which is often inclusive of the compensation package.According to Stedt (2006), the recruitment of staff is a vital component of every business. When a firm chooses a right individual during the recruitment exercise and subsequently trains and treats them well then these individuals not only produce results but also have higher chances of staying in the organization for long.Tools to be used in the recruitment processThe use of recruiters will be the ideal method for finding the right candidate for the position of customer service manager. The recruiters can employ various diverse methods such as websites, professional organizations, and other methods to find ideal candidates for the position. Besides, they have the leverage of networking excellently through attending events where they are likely to meet potential candidates. Moreover, they often keep a pipeline of possible candidates with a good match in case a position for that match arises. The recruiters that will be employed in this case are a corporate recruiter within the Amazon. However, the recruiter will analyze the job description of customer service manager, set the minimum qualifications for the position, and define its salary range. After that, the recruiter will have the mandate of screening the applicants for the vacancy by testing their personalities and skills. Besides, it will encompass the assessment of the motivation and fitness of the applicants through the process of interview. The recruiter, finally, submits the individual perceived fit for the job to Amazon Company, who in turn is offered the job. Once the individual is absorbed, the firm will offer the compensation package.Yu Cable (2014) describe staffing as a management function that encompasses manning the structure of the organization through an effective and proper selection, development and appraisal of personnel to occupy the roles given to the workforce or employers. Bogardus (2004) asserts that it is a continuous and pervasive activity whose basis is the efficient management of personnel. The process is essential as it ensures that the workplace runs efficiently and smoothly, as well as, the right employees being in the right positions. Yu Cable (2014) add that well-managed employee and their continuous evaluation and training help in equipping them to have the ammunitions to be prepared to carry out their tasks. Adler (2007) reiterates that good employees are equivalent to better provision of services.The assessment method to be used by Amazon in recruiting the customer service managerThe assessment method employed will entail that of motivational fitness and cultural fitness, as well. The motivational fit, in this case, refers to the degree to which the employer and the candidate agree with especially concerning what each party expects to receive in the relationship. Furthermore, it assesses the compatibility of the candidate with the mode of operations and values of the organization. This type of assessment enables the candidate to perform successfully in different roles across the company.The other crucial assessment method will entail cultural fitness. It determines the congruency of the values of the company and that of the candidate. It illuminates the ability of the worker to carry comfortably out their tasks in an environment that commensurate with his/her values and beliefs....